Tuesday, August 01, 2006

I am so random

I just took the funniest pictures. (ok maybe they're only funny to me) They are of the two shoe collections in our living room. yep. shoe collections

I knew I had a shoe obsession (accompanied by a problem wearing shoes so I take them off as soon as I can . . . it's a love/hate relationship I guess). So anyway, I have a pile of shoes accumulating downstairs. This information shouldn't be shocking to anyone. Or at least anyone who knows me. Here are my shoes . . . two pairs of flip flops (the official state shoe of Arizona), my gym shoes (I just returned from a work-out) and a pair of high heels (those belong to yesterdays work outfit)

What MIGHT be shocking to all of you is that my husband ALSO has a shoe collection accumulating downstairs. He's supposed to be the clean one!! He also has another pair outside of our sliding door to the backyard! Our house looks like Ross at the end of a Saturday, and that is NOT good. Oh well . . .

On a cleaner note, Matt cleaned this kitchen this week. I love him for that. And for other things too . . . but right now because he cleaned the kitchen and I don't have to!!


Melinda said...

Oh, you are so not alone. We've had shoe collections in the same spots in our house as long as we've lived there. I eventually just bought baskets to contain them. Alas, the baskets regularly overflow!

Anonymous said...

You just wish my shoes were part of your collection!