Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Road Trip! Eeeeeeeee!

Yes, it's a quote from Legally Blonde . . .

And last weekend my eight best friends (yes all you people who only believe in one best friend EIGHT BEST FRIENDS) went to California and stayed at my grandparents house (aka Club Lynsky) and had a BLAST! I was lame and didn't take very many pictures, but I will provide a few for your viewing pleasure . . .

This is the Diva Packet Julia sent all of us. It had our itinerary, a DVD of pictures from last years trip, a great CD of songs to listen to while we were there . . . SO GREAT!

These are my white trash toenails. Pink with RHINESTONES! I was a little embarrassed of them at work but they were fun for the trip!

We all missed our men so we went to Fredericks of Hollywood . . . *wink wink*

For nine girls on the trip, we had very little drama and SO much fun!! We laughed and sang and danced down the street at midnight, talked, cried, hugged and . . .


Melinda said...


Sheila said...

okay, I love that the Julia and Rhonda pic has a big G in the background! Like rating or something! HAHAHAHA