Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Curtains! (sort of . . . )

Ok I'm actually soliciting suggestions in this post. I have finally hung curtains, but I have an issue, as you can see. I selected a curain rod, then I selected curtains . . . then i hung both, then i realized that rod pocket curatins don't have a way to fit over the . .. hanging thingy(that's right hanging thingy) that holds up the curain rod . . . so I shoved the curtains to the middle, but it doesn't look right (as you can see from the picture above). . . do I buy two more curtains, one for each side of the windows and figure out a way to jimmy-rig the curtains to fit over the hanging thingy, but risk it looking stupid since one window is so much thinner than the other? Do I find a new rod? Do I do something else?? Help?!?!? I am in home decorating HELL here! I want to find the person who designed the window layout of this house and ring HIS little neck. Only a man . . . sheesh. Why put the windows so close together at the corner? We will never know.

On a happier note the valances look super duper, if I do say so my smug self :)

On another note, I need to start taking pictures of my house during the DAY since it's so much prettier then . . . I LOVE all the natural light from the windows.

Now I have to figure out what to do about the dining room and window treatments . . . and the kitchen . . . and the bedrooms . . . can I move into the new house yet???


Melinda said...

Melinda's solution (ie: lazy) is that you have nice blinds, do you need curtains?

Sheila said...

i agree with Mitz, I don't think you need the curtains.