Saturday, June 24, 2006


My friend Carla Thomas Danko came to visit us today. She was getting some GORGEOUS (as you can see) pictures taken with a friend down in Mesa and we got so spend some time together. Carla and I met when we moved into the same apartment at the Colony while going to BYU. Sheila, Melinda, Hannah, Leslie and I all moved in together and we got lucky and had Carla as our fabulous sixth roommate.

Some of my favorite memories of Carla include . . .

Our combined birthday party where we played "Spin the Bottle" and scandalized the entire BYU community (not like it's hard)

Dancing around in circles through our apartment to Linda Eder, Faith Hill or the Dixie Chicks

Speaking in horrid (ok my accent was horrid) Scottish accents

All the boys. Enough said.

And most recently . . . the HUGE rack of ribs she ordered tonight at dinner. I think it weighed more than she does . . .
Anyway, now we are just chilling out together watching Season 1o of Friends and loving just hanging out. I hope I get to see her again very soon!

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