Thursday, June 15, 2006

Damn Dirty Dogs . . .

Excuse our french . . . we are dogsitting for two weeks while my boss and his wife are in Italy. They are Malteses and oh so cute. They're not actually dirty, they are actually really good. They are very attached to us already and very protective of our house and particularly me. Matt isn't really allowed to touch me lately. Super fun! They have claimed their "spots" on our couches and are pretty much ruling the roost right now. They even sleep not only in our bed, but spread out between us. Ahhh the joy. Here are some pictures of Kimi and Enzo (Kimi is the one sprawled on the floor . . . he seems to like rolling around on our rug . . . ) We will probably be sad to see them go but for right now I've realized I'm very selfish and I like my house and my husband to myself . . . :)

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Does this mean that when I come to visit I'm supposed to sleep between you and Matt too?