Monday, December 18, 2006

Glitter is COOL

Hi, I am a 25 year old adult woman with a flourishing career (depending on the day), new home being built as we speak, a fabulous batch of creamed corn on the stove, loving husband upstairs working away at his second job to save money for said new home and I have a confession to make.

I. LOVE. GLITTER. I love it with the passion of a hundred five year old girls.
I especially love glitter at Christmas.

Here is today's current glitter favorite:

OOOOh glitter glue! Sparkly AND sticky!

Why, you ask? Why do I love glitter glue today?

Because it allowed me to do THIS:

And not JUST this one. I did one for every person joining us for Christmas Eve dinner on Sunday. As you can tell, I'm a little overzealous with the whole . . . decorating thing. It's my first (and last) Christmas in our first house and I want everything to be oh so pretty and perfect. And GLITTERY!!

The table looks like this: (it's missing goblets and silverware. . . the goblets needed a little TLC and er, uh . . . cleaning, after gathering dust for a year and I haven't yet taken the silverware our of it's boxes. Ahhhh wedding silverware, unused but OH so beautifully preserved after a year and a half of marriage) but you get the general idea. There will be seven people total (the OCD in me hates that number for setting the table . . . it makes the table uneven. But oh well right?!?)

Well folks, it's late and my flourishing job (hahahaha) requires me to bust my butt tomorrow to make some deadlines.

In our next edition:

Fine Food grocery stores: "Let our fabulous produce entice you to spend your life savings on eggs!"

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