Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Manolo, Atwood and Gucci, meet Stacey, Kate and Agata.
They'll be worshipping at your shrines for the rest of their lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooooh. That's some sexy ankle action. I've never understood those "foot fetish" people, but I think I get where they're coming from now.

Ankles are like salads, they're all different: some have spinach leaves, others Romaine or Iceberg. You can add nuts or cheese or craisins or that shredded carrot stuff. None of it is too impressive on its own. But you put on the right dressing...and it's like magic. Thus with ankles, you don't add craisins or Russian dressing (unless you're into that sort of thing...), but you put on the right shoe, and suddenly it's sexy. It's a joint, with the usual bone, cartilage, and ligaments, all covered in too-frequently shaved skin. Just a joint. But now it's sexy. Weird.

I think as a culture we intrinsically recognize the power of the shoe. Cinderlla, the Wizard of Oz...cute girl + right shoe = fox.

Thank you for educating me.