Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm baaaaacccckkk

So, um . . . I sort of stumbled into a part in a musical.

It's really a good thing because oh have I missed the theatre, and singing, and dancing, and, and, and, and. You get the point.

It's a 1960's musical review called "Suds" and has been running at a local theatre for almost five months. They've decided to extend the run because of what a hit it's been (largely due to the huge population of 50+ Snowbirds, no?!?) and the cast is sort of worn out. SO, they're double casting the whole show.

I tried out for Beauty and the Beast at this theatre a few months ago and was offered the part of the Wardrobe (aka the FAT PART.) I didn't really have it in me to dedicate the time and energy if I wasn't going to be a lead, so I declined. It was a stroke of luck though, because right before the show was set to open, I caught the New York City Plague and was out for the count. SOooooo needless to say it all worked out in the end.

Then they called me asking if I would do a part in "Suds" because they had been really impressed with my previous audition and wanted to cast me as Belle but unfortunately for all of us, the guy playing the Beast was a shrimp. Doesn't exactly work out to have a mean, scary Beast who is four inches shorter than Belle. And probably weighs less. (Damn my sister and her teeny tiny genes!)

So I met the director and badda bing, badda boom. I have a part. AS THE FAT GIRL. Ok, well, she's not written to be fat, but the girl currently playing her is . . . um . . . very . . . large. AMAZINGLY talented, but very large. The character is the sarcastic sassy one in the show and I'm really excited to play her.

Rehearsals are kicking my butt. It's sad when you realize, at only 25 (ok almost 26) that you have not even half the energy you had a mere four years ago in college. We have been rehearsing until midnight the past three days and I am POOPED! We only have a month to rehearse though, and most of us are out of town for at least two weeks, so we really have to get this all the way ready by the time we leave for our random vacations.

So there you have it. I'm back in business. I guess it's a good thing that I use my degree for SOMETHING right? I mean that diploma is pretty and all but it doesn't exaclty say "Bachelors Degree in Marketing." I have a BFA. I am a bachelor of fine arts. What that means exactly, I have no idea. But I have it. And now I'm using it. On a purely volunteer basis. Sweet.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go find Aretha Franklin and ask her how the hell she sang R.E.S.P.E.C.T. without sounding like a howler monkey.

1 comment:

janaya said...

HOLY FREAKING CRAP! i said that outloud i'll have you know! :) i saw your name and instantly knew it! amazing how 10 years after a one week EFY and we both still recall these names. it's so funny. i'll email you, but just wanted to post a quick message to let you know i saw yours. christmas is coming and all hell is breaking loose of course because i'm not even remotely ready for it. SOOOOO good to hear from you. expect an email shortly!