Thursday, December 14, 2006

Leaving on a Jet Plane

I have the COOLEST friends ever. I know it, they know it . . . it is a known fact.

But this year, they have elevated from coolest to . . . I don't even have words to describe it. Cooler than cooler than cool. (Hi, I'm five.)

I have been VERY homesick lately for Utah. I know, I know, I live in Arizona and it's FABULOUS weather this time of year and I shouldn't really want to return to the blustery miserable cold, but it's HOME and I MISS IT.

So, for my birthday this year, two of my bestest friends pitched in to pay for A PLANE TICKET HOME FOR MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!!!!

I am GIDDY with excitement. So giddy that I'm pasting a picture of my confirmation.

I seriously thought I wasn't going to be going home at all this holiday season. And now, thanks to Rhonda and Jewels, I am. And I don't have the words to say thank you.


Anonymous said...

You really do have great friends! At least the two that bought you that ticket. The rest are obviously crap. Like most of my friends. No ticket for me. I'm driving to Utah over the Donner Pass this weekend. Oh and there's supposed to be a snow storm. Note that it's the Donner Pass. As in the Donner Party. Yeah, so...screw my friends!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that some of your friends aren't crap the way I, apparently, am (thanks Bryan). Hey, I have four kids. I'm poor. Oh yeah, and I'm building a new house and Big Mama (that's me) wants her pretty light fixtures, okay? Anyway, that aside, I'm so excited that your non-crap friends are bringing you home to me. Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

YAY! We were so happy to do this for you. I love this tradition we have of going all out for each other's Birthday. You deserve this, my little minx - happiest of Birthdays to you!!

Kateastrophe said...

For the record, none of my friends are crap. Bryan's friends? Probably crap. My friends? Not crap. Just so we're alllll clear.