Monday, January 01, 2007

Attention WalMart shoppers . . . We have an awesome trip to Utah on aisle 7

Wow. Seriously. Wow.

It's my last night here in the home land and I am so content and so happy right now. It has been a freaking crazy three days, and my eyes feel as though they were rubbed down with sandpaper then glued open, but I had a wonderful time and, with the teeny tiny exception (ok not so teeny tiny) of not having my husband be a part of it, this was almost the perfect birthday weekend.

I don't even know where to start with the stories and the fun times . . .
Los and Puffers and Clayton and people forgetting their food. Twelve year olds and gum wrapper roses and my birthday being announced over the loud speaker at WalMart at 1:00 AM.

These things and so many more are forever engraved in my mind. I am too tired to attempt wit and humor, especially after hanging out with all the witty people I know here in Utah all weekend. I just wanted to post a huge thank you to everyone who made my birthday and the New Year's weekend so amazing. You are all amazing and I am so lucky to have you in my life.



Anonymous said...

Ole indeed!

Anonymous said...

I must say...we all look so fabulous in that picture at Puffers! That pic will go down in history. A picture we will show our children and say, "Look how young and beautiful we were!" Ahh, glorious, glorious days if you ask me. What a fantastic weekend!