Saturday, September 16, 2006

Mountain West Conference SUCKS

Who on earth, asks anyone, pays $21.95 to watch a BYU game on TV? Answer: We do. Stupid Mountain West Stupid Conference and their stupid TV station . . . there were TWO BYU games that were scheduled to broadcast here in Phoenix. So we turned on ESPN 2 today . . . make that one game. They were showing the Michigan State vs Pitt game instead! So what did we do? We called Cox Cable and found out the only way to get the game was pay $21.95 to get the College Package for one day. So here we sit, suckered into it, trying to get our BYU Football fix. Now we're pretty much stuck watching college football all day because we PAID for the package, right?

Oh, and by the way, BYU is currently losing. Totally worth it! Or something . . . it's only the 3rd Quarter so I'm sure things could turn around for the good old Cougars. Meooowww.

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