Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My New Drug

I have found a new obsession . . . it's a blog by a really funny lady here in Arizona that i've never met. But I either laugh or cry at every post I've read of hers. Particularly this one:


This lady Linsey is funny. And her kids sound hilarious. I can only hope that the kids I will someday have will provide as much entertainment as it sounds like her kids provide.

She has a better looking blog site AND she can also do things on her blog I need to learn how to do. Damn. I knew I should have learned more about HTML and all that "internet" crap that supplies half of the money in this house. Let me specify . . . MY half of the money. I suck. You'd think in two years I would have learned SOMETHING useful working for an INTERNET COMPANY.

Oh wait . . . I learned how to ship a Ferrari . . . I also learned how to supervise the removal of mold from behind a 12 foot marble fireplace . . . and how to convince the manager of Roberto Cavalli to give me the display from their store window. . . Oh and don't forget I also learned how to put a keg-erater together. These are all things that are going to come in handy for a married, middle-class Mormon girl.

I take it back. I totally learned stuff.

1 comment:

The Gruwells said...

dude... whenever i am sitting around on my lazy arse...(its arse not ass k i am being good here :)) and think that my life is boring... i need to remember how mother freaking hilarious you are! you crack me up!!! lots of love..