Saturday, September 16, 2006

On Being Creative -- or Random. You Can Decide For Yourselves. I Vote Random.

I decided to attempt creativity . . . I am hosting a birthday party for my entire primary class next weekend *mental note: never offer to have seven kids over to my house again* and I wanted to send "cute" invitations. I am also babysitting tonight for my friend Stacey (who also happens to be my boss Dan's girlfriend -- I sort of rule at setting people up!). Her daughter Alexis is sleeping over (this becomes relevant in a few sentences by the way) and going to church with us tomorrow.

Now Alexis is DARLING and one of the most polite, well behaved, mature four year olds I have ever personally encountered. And, she's HAPPY ALL THE TIME. However, (and I've always known this it's not new information or anything) being a "mom" is not easy. And (again something I've aknowledged) I am sort of selfish. Take this moment for example. I want to watch re-runs of Nip/Tuck on TV. Alexis wants to watch Lion King. I am not happy to report that I am currently watching Lion King. (I still love Disney movies, FYI. Just not at this exact moment. Especially because we just watched Sleeping Beauty.)

Nevermind the naked Barbie, this is Alexis settling down to watch Lion King

So anyway, creativity and Alexis. . . I had to take Alexis with me to Michaels to buy the stuff to make my "cute" cards. I have a new respect for you moms who take your kids to the store. And I only had one!!! She wanted to look at every sticker, every piece of paper, every marker. Then she wanted up. Then she wanted down. Then she wanted to stamp her hand. But there was no stamp ink . . . then she decided to start running up and down the aisle. Then she hid from me . . . need I say more. It took me twice as long to pick up the stuff I needed, of course. I called Julia in the middle of it all to ask for creative inspiration, but of course had to cut it short because Alexis ran into someone at the end of the aisle. It was actually entertaining, just time consuming.

Then we went to Wendy's to get dinner. This kid has sophisticated taste! She didn't want a kids meal . . . no no no, she wanted a frescata sandwich. And no fries. She doesn't like fries! I was not prepared for the drive through experience to take as long as it did!

Anyway, we came back to the house and ate dinner and then I got to work on the invitations and Alexis got to work on watching Sleeping Beauty on our "oh my gosh that is so huge" TV (direct quote). I am actually quite proud of how my little project turned out, though I got better with each card, so the first ones aren't as cute as the final ones. Here is a picture of the final cards, and then a picture of my favorite two. I feel so . . . half-way creative?

On a random, unrelated side note, I think the dining room is almost as finished as it's going to get. I just need window treatments of some kind (probably a window scarf or something simple) and then Voila! It's the only complete room in the house! Here are two pictures for my bragging and your viewing pleasure. Hahahah.

What on EARTH do I do with that stupid hole/cubby in the wall?? Any ideas???

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Love the invites and dining room. So GREAT!!