Monday, October 23, 2006

And then the heavens opened up and shouted "Kate we hate you!"

My brother Sean used to say that all the time and we'd all laugh.

This week I am saying it and honestly, not so funny when you're the one feeling compelled to say it.

After finally fighting off my plague, I am now struck with my other common ailment, the stomach monster called "Gastritis" (and it is not as that phrase implies, just FYI) and I am now only allowing myself to eat white bread and bananas in hopes of preventing my entire midsection from cramping up every time I eat anything.

That was yesterday.

Then today happened. Stupid, stupid today.

My boss told me today that I am being too much of a victim. Maybe that is true and maybe it's not, but it was sort of like a slap in the face to hear that. Let me explain why . . .

My 90 day review for my new position as Marketing Specialist is due this week. I brought this up last week to make sure everyone knew I was expecting it this week. And now, somehow, it's not happening because there is a "process" and in the "real business world" it doesn't happen right when us measly employees expect it.

In my mind I'm thinking "wow is it really to much to ask that after two years in this company, busting my ass and doing humiliating tasks, after I FINALLY get promoted, that I get a raise the day I was promised I'd get a raise? Is that really too much to ask?" More specifically I thought (and later actually said) "I brought this up last week to facilitate having the review THIS week so I could get my raise THIS week."

I was told I was being completely unreasonable and I could STOP being unreasonable and be patient or I could quit. Except his words were "You can stop being unreasonable and be patient or you can walk."

Right now my walking shoes are sounding pretty dang good.


Melinda said...

Okay, so my day, not sounding so bad anymore. I LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Dude, that's pretty bogus. Major bogosity!

The Gruwells said...

ok ok that is sad... but don't quit you have that wonderful house coming!! remember that big beautiful wonderful house!! me living in my mealsy little one bedroom cramped apt... that is something to swear about damn it!!! i love you!!