Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I'm a rotten wife . . .

Ok, I realize I've posted like FIFTY times in the past two days . . . but I had to do something really quickly.

I've posted about my love for the following men:

Matt Leinart, Christian Bale and Brandon Routh.

I have neglected to post about my love for the best guy of all.

My husband. I'm not going to go all mushy yucky on you, oh no, not the sarcastic B that I am.

I'm just going to say that I got really lucky when I met this man and even more lucky when he loved me back.


I mean I got REALLY lucky. I can't think of any other guy who would put up with me making him dress like THIS for Halloween

Plus, can you imagine what I've been like at home for the past week or so with all my self-pitying trauma? It's been like the "kick the dog" syndrome at our house, but I'd like to point out that we don't HAVE a dog. I have a Matt. And he is pretty darn sweet when I'm being rotten.

SO despite my love for Superman, Batman and that hot quarterback, I love Matt more.

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