Thursday, October 26, 2006

Kate Needs

I found this fun game when I was bored today. I'm sitting here cracking up at how hilarious it is.

What you do is go to Google and type in "(your name) needs" and see what comes up in the headings. It's HILARIOUS.

Here is, according to the almighty Google, what Kate needs.

1. Kate needs a shave
HOW DID THEY KNOW? Google must really be all knowing if they know I haven't shaved my legs in four days.

2. Kate needs the Dramaturge at Home.
uhhhh, no idea what that means. But apparently I need it . . . so dramaturging at home I go.

3. Kate needs your help
Oh how true. All of you, I solicit your help. We all know I need it and I can't live without it. You can decide what I need your help WITH. All I know is that I need it.

4. Kate needs a hand
well, I'm sure I do. I've been trying to finish my cabinets, and if any of you want to lend me a hand with that I will not protest one bit. I have a list of things I need a hand with. First one to my house gets delicious homemade macaroni and cheese! It's totally worth it I swear! Just ask Rhonda!

5. Kate needs a twinkie
YOU HAVE NO IDEA. Althought I don't really NEED a twinkie . . . but I WANT a twinkie. Maybe since Google told me I need a twinkie that will justify to my trainer tonight that I had to have one?

6. Kate needs a trust angel
uhhhhhh, sure!? Can Google tell me what a trust angel is, exactly? I'll ask Google and get back to you.

7. Kate needs to ride
I could go in several directions with this one . . . I'll just stop right now.

8. Kate needs editor emulation for Emacs and/or vi
I don't even know what to say. I probably do need . . . whatever it is.

9. Kate needs to go away!
RUDE. I think Google just lost my business. Bastards.

10. Kate needs standard right click menus
Don't we all need standard right click menus? Unless you use a mac. Then you're screwed when it comes to right clicking!

11. Kate needs special indentors for php & perl
I THINK I have an idea of what php & perl are . . . i guess when I double check that I'll determine whether or not I really need special indentors . . . whatever those are.

12. Kate needs a cat and twenty mindless Monday games
Um, no I don't actually need a cat .. . but I would love twenty mindless Monday games since I don't so much like Mondays!

13. Kate needs a date
Google is so fired. Unless they mean a date with my husband . . . which I do need.

14. Kate needs a priest
According to my father and his catholic family, this might be true. They're probably searching for me so I can do my first communion finally.

15. Kate needs doggy day care
Well that's just rude!

16. Kate needs to focus on work and not the internet tomorrow and actually get some work done so she still has a job and won't need #17- a new job.

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