Saturday, October 14, 2006

And then New York kicked her butt . . .

Oh my gosh i feel like crap.


I think I wore myself out this week!

I was on "trade show duty" Wedesday and Thursday all day. And I mean ALL DAY. I was up at 6:30 EST (which is 3:30 Arizona time. OUI) and I was standing, in our booth, from 7:30 AM until about 6:00 PM both days. My feet were KILLING me . . . to the point that I called my sister on the verge of tears and begged her to send me a pair of Danskos so I could handle the next day of standing all day.

The Danskos came and they helped a bit, but I think my entire blood supply was pooled in my feet. They were swolen to twice their normal size and popping out of the top of the shoes.

On the bright side I went and saw the musical "The Drowsy Chaperone" and loved it. I recommend it to everyone.

Friday I walked all over New York. I walked up and down Fifth Avenue a few times, walked through Central Park, walked everywhere. My fat body is not used to that i tell you what!

I had woken up feeling sort of sick so i went to the pharmacy and got some Airborne and cough drops, hoping they would help, but I dont think they did.

Friday evening I took a train from NYC to my parents house in Lancaster, PA, and I have pretty much done nothing but sleep since I got here. I'm really sick AGAIN. I have had the chills and the shakes and a sore throat and all kinds of lame crap. I was supposed to go shopping today but instead I slept. And slept. Then ate, then slept.

Tomorrow morning I go back to New York to fly home from JFK. The train drops me off at 12:30 and my flight isn't until 6:00 PM but I think I may just go straight to the airport and sleep some more. If I walk anymore I think I might open a vein.

I still love New York but I'm really ready to go home and see my husband and sleep in my own bed.

Of course going home means going back to Boot Camp too, but honestly, it might be better than the swolen feet New York caused me this week.

**Pardon my errors within this post. I'm using a Mac and I'm struggling to type and too tired to care!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Despite your sore feet, I wish I could've joined you. I definitely love NY.