Friday, November 17, 2006

Ann Arbor is a Whore

I saw that sentence on a T-shirt last year at the Fiesta Bowl (Ohio State vs. Notre Dame) and I decided it was my favorite T-shirt ever, being that I was born of two Columbus Ohio natives, who were also born of Ohio natives . . . in fact the the chunky buckeyes running through my veins go back THREE generations, so yes, my family believes that Ann Arbor is a whore. (I also saw a hilarious T-shirt last year that said Muck Fichigan, but I decided it might be a wee bit inappropriate for the title of my blog. I probably shouldn't have even mentioned it -- but I sort of had to. We really do hate Michigan about that much!)

This year the rivalry game is probably going to be the BEST ONE EVER. Ohio State is ranked, in all three college polls, NUMERO UNO and Michigan is ranked NUMERO DOS. This is basically the national championship game, but the BCS is too stupid to fix the system . . . so whoever wins this game will play in the national championship game -- WHICH is being held here in Arizona. But, as fortune would have it, I cannot go. We will be in Puerto Vallerta. Worst year to not be here for the BCS game!! Oh well . . . another year perhaps.

Anyway, all that's not really important . . . what IS important is that we all wear RED tomorow and root the mighty Buckeyes on to victory!!



Those found rooting for Michigan will be flogged mercilessly with a wet noodle.

1 comment:

The Gruwells said...

ok maybe you shouldn't post my last one... in fact don't, but ann arbor is a big fat whore! a BIG FAT ONE! and if you want to get me tickets ILL go to the game for you! cause guess who won't be in beautiful fantastic mexico... oh yeah, that would be me. but i am going to beat luke with a wet noodle and hope that it hurts! and yeah shtazz and stuff