Friday, November 10, 2006

Being Lame on a Friday Night


I was supposed to not post anything until Jewels sent me her FAB list of reasons that I need to move back to Provo, but people, she's extremely busy starring in a PLAY and I'm sort of addicted. I can't let a day go by without posting and not be irritated by that. Besides I found out it's NaBloPoMo which apparently means National Blog Posting Month or something scary like that? Don't ask me how I found this out. I don't want to admit to being any more lame than all of you think I am. Because I know I am, ok?

OK. ANYWAY, what this means to me and all of you, is that in November, those of us who Blog are supposed to do so at least once a day. I fully plan on doing that even though no one probably really cares. So be prepared for the most. boring. post. ever.

See the title? 'Splains it all. Especially the LAME part.

Tonight I did the following:

Read my husband's new Sports Illustrated from cover to cover. HOW LAME IS THAT?

Partially painted the downstairs bathroom. And when I say partially, I mean PARTIALLY. I didn't do anything that didn't involve the large roller. And those of you who paint know that means I just painted the middle section of the walls. The two walls that I could use a roller on. (It is a very small bathroom)

Hung the laundry room door.

Hung new doorknob on laundry room door.

Went shopping for half an hour with Karajean, who is in my ward.. Yeah, you heard me. Half. An. Hour. Somewhere in the craziness of the weird things I did tonight I went shopping with Karajean. We drove 25 miles to shop for 25 minutes. And yes, I'm just as confused as you guys probably are right now. I bought a shirt that was on clearance at Bebe. Karajean bought nothing. We did laugh and chat about some funny stuff though.

After that I spent an hour on the phone with my Aunt Alex and my sister Meagan. I totally forgot about the ability to conference call. How cool is that? All three of us were talking to each other. Man I miss those guys. Half the time we couldn't hear each other because all three of us were trying to talk at the same time.

I am now . . . wait for it . . . transferring all my music from my laptop to our new computer. Why you ask? Well, I'll tell you. My laptop is company issued, and I want to make sure that, if they ever take it away from me or if I ever lose it or drop it or something, that I have a back-up copy of my AWESOME music somewhere. Now here's where it gets funny.

SINCE the laptop is company issued, I cannot use our home network to view it, due to the anal security measures my company takes with all our technology. SO, I have to use a 1GB jump drive to transfer the music wee tiny bits at a time. Needless to say, I have lots of dead time.

There's actually a lot of other things that went on today, it was one of those insane days where you get to the end of it (it's actually midnight on the dot right now. PHEW!) and you think "wow, a lot of stuff happened today! I should make a list! I was super productive" Some not so productive stuff went down today too, but I'm sort of . . . over it, I guess. I sort of went through an entire grief cycle today or something . . . the whole shock, denial, anger, despair and acceptance thing . . . except I also added my own phase in the cycle -- uncontrollable laughter. I don't know if it was early morning boot camp, lack of food or WHAT. I just got sort of goofy by the end of the day and decided that everything, even the bad stuff, was just funny. I highly recommend it if you're having a bad day. Down about ten caffeinated beverages and find out what you're REALLY made of!

This may explain why I was uber productive tonight. You think? Ten Diet Cokes in one day? I think that should do it. I should press 'DELETE' on this little tangent, but I'm sort of writing just to write and get some thoughts out of the old noggin, so WHY NOT LEAVE IT says me? Besides, it's a free plug for Coca-Cola. EXCELLENT.

Coca-Cola. Proven to eat away at metal. Tastes good. Drink up!

Oh and Jewels? You have my word that as soon as I get your list, I will post it tout suite (ps - did you know that means 'quick fart'? You probably did, which is probably why you decided that you will name your racehorse that, but I did not. I had to go look it up just now for spelling purposes and I laughed really hard after reading the definition. I've been saying it ever since our Mexico bash and haven't known I was basically saying fart a lot.) and, it will be the funniest post ever. As opposed to this one.

But in fairness to me I did just write a paragraph about the word 'fart'. If that's not comedy, I don't know what is.


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