Sunday, November 19, 2006

Boooooooooring Blah Blah Blah

Today was Sunday . . . the day of rest . . . and I was bored. Apparently I don't do so well at the whole "resting" thing.

I slept in later than usual this morning and missed Sacrament meeting, which I feel bad about but I was SOOOO tired this morning -- this whole week actually. I just wanted to sleep and sleep. Until I woke up that is . . . er, yeah. What that means is that I couldn't take a nap once I was awake. Right. MOVING ON.

I am SO EXCITED that Thanksgiving is this week. I get to see all of my siblings AND my Momma AND my Grandma and Grandpa this week. It's like the best week EVER! I love it when all my siblings are together for a holiday. We have so much fun. We laugh and sing and dance and make fun of each other and it makes me realize how much I love my family. Matt, I'm sure, will stand by and roll his eyes, but he'll love it too and maybe I'll even get him to dance! There will be pounds and pounds of delicious Lynsky food consumed and I'll get to see Sheila and Andrew and their new house and the babies and some of my aunts and uncles and . . . oh it's going to be SO GREAT!

THEN, THE CHRISTMAS SEASON BEGINS! Anyone who knows me knows how much I love Christmas. I am so excited to get a tree and decorate and make cookies and, and and . . . I should stop now before I get going to fast and furious to stop. I'm like the energizer bunny . . . the CHRISTMAS energizer bunny!

Oh, before I go, congratulations to my old friend Bryan Gibson. He found out on Friday that he passed the Bar Exam in California and then early Saturday morning his wife Melanie gave birth to their second little girl, Gracie.

OK, I'd better go to bed. Booty Camp starts promptly at 6 AM!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanksgiving really is one of the best holidays. I've always loved it. it’s the irony of the thing. We’re thankful for all the stuff (including food) we have, so we eat so much food that we can no longer feel gratitude. Just pain and guilt...and fear of how much of the food will actually stick. It’s a uniquely American holiday. “Things are going too well. So let’s totally overdo it and screw everything up with excess.” Having said that, I still love this holiday (very very much), and it gives me warm fuzzies to think of eating all that dark meat and stuffing and cranberry sauce with relatives nearby (because they can carry me away). Bon appetite!