Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Little More Junk in My Trunk

I have a post-it pad that has the following quote on it:

"I thought I worked my butt off, but it followed me home"

I have this as the quote on my MSN Messenger as well.

This morning I got an IM from an old co-worker about it. The conversation went a little bit like this:

OC: "Bummer about your butt"
Me: "Yeah I know, I used to be so hot."
OC: "I know, crying shame."
Me: "Now I'm all married and stuff, with a big butt."
Me: "Wait, I take it back. I'm still hot . . . I just have a little more junk in my trunk. Kinda like J-Lo, but whiter. Much whiter"
OC: "Oh, like that. Yeah, you're still hot then"

Mind you this guy is happily married, with a baby on the way. We were just buds like that. We always told each other how good the other looked on a particular day. He's like my gay friends . . . only . . .not . . . gay. Right.

So in case any of you were wondering (who haven't seen me in a while) I am still hot . . . but instead of being hot like, say . . . Ginger Spice (was she even hot? I donno) . . . now I'm hot like a white J-lo.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An Irish J-Lo. That's an interesting picture. She looks familiar...hey it's Kate!

Don't lose heart. Post-Thankgiving trunk-junk is normal. And this time of year it really is sexy. Wear it with pride. Lounge upon it in comfort.