Monday, November 13, 2006

Julia's List of Reasons Why Kate Should Move Back to Provo

Julia has decided that I need to move back to Provo. In her negotiations on the matter, she has accrued a list of reasons why:

1 - I live here
2 - Going to girly movies together
3 - Burger Supreme
4 - Shopping trips
5 - Actual Seasons
6 - The delightful late night drive-by of old boyfriends houses
7 - Slacker Sundays
8 - Sleepovers
9 - I don't live in Phoenix
10 - Los
11 - Being able to have parties and BBQ's together
12 - Getting slurpees in the Summer
13 - Driving around with music blaring
14 - Talking each other into making ridiculous purchases we know we can't afford
15 - Getting bevs
16 - Current late night IM conversations can be taken care of IN PERSON and they will be FUNNIER because we'll be laughing TOGETHER
17 - OZZ!!
18 - Hours upon hours spent at Taco Bell on University Ave. talking about naughty encounters
19 - And finally, you need to move back to Provo simply because you are one of my Best Friends and we are missing out on some golden years by living apart!!

Well, what can you say folks?!?! This is a very persuasive list of reasons, and besides that I'm homesick right now . . . I guess I should try to convince the man I call husband and try to find us both good jobs!


The Gruwells said...

i agree with julia! i want you home... so do it! come home! we need you

The Gruwells said...

OH OH i came up with another reason why you should move home... YOU LIVE IN HELL! and no one in their right mind wants to live in a place where if you fall off your bike you will get your skin stuck to the side walk! not that you ride bikes but its the principal of the thing! you should be able to fall off your damn bike whenever you want and not die! yeah! thats a good reason!

Anonymous said...

The list is compelling, and i could comment at length. But I will limit myself to this observation:

Some of us are more comfortable with maternal proximity than others. But let me make myself clear: I don't know about you, but I require hundreds of miles between my home and that of my mother. This is what enables me to love her.

That alone will keep my in exile from my Rocky Mountain home.

Of course, "Mimi" (if that's her real name...) is correct. Foe-enix is really, ridiculously hot. But seasons...I don't know. I've lived in California, Utah, Argentina, and Maryland (some of these are very seasonal, others not), and I gotta say, seasons are overrated. Gimme warm. I'll visit the snow at Christmas. Super hot v. freeze + dirty ice-snow all over my car and the whole city. Hot's going to win.

HaLaine said...

Amen to that! Dang you...